New MAXCAP related problems: Formulation and model
201571 We present three related problems of the maximum capture (MAXCAP) model. • We incorporate service level and mimic customer behavior for facility selection. • احصل على السعراحصل على السعر
New MAXCAP related problems: Formulation and model
201571 The first basic model which we develop is called the MAXCAP with service level (MAXCAP-SL). We assume that for an open outlet the total attracted demand is احصل على السعراحصل على السعر
Customer Allocation in Maximum Capture Problems Journal
2012322 The maximum capture (MAXCAP) model and its variants have been widely used to find the maximum capture that a firm can get as it enters a spatial market where احصل على السعراحصل على السعر
New MAXCAP related problems: Formulation and model
2015421 We consider various ways of defining a key parameter in the basic maximum capture model (MAXCAP). This parameter will indicate a number of ways to احصل على السعراحصل على السعر
(PDF) Customer Allocation in Maximum Capture
201291 University of Kent Malick M Ndiaye American University of Sharjah Abstract The maximum capture (MAXCAP) model and its variants have been widely used to find the maximum capture that a firm can...احصل على السعراحصل على السعر
Reducing energy consumption of a raw mill in cement industry
201261 According to their study, the energy and exergy efficiencies are determined to be 84.3% and 25.2%, respectively. Atmaca and Kano glu [17] also studied the raw mill احصل على السعراحصل على السعر